greenlightjakeandamir mockup

Greenlight Jake and Amir Social Media Campaign & Website

Greenlight Jake and Amir Social Media Campaign & Website

Greenlight Jake and Amir Social Media Campaign & Website

Date: Spring 2015
Client: Jake & Amir

Role: Web Designer & Marketing Specialist

Date: Spring 2015
Client: Jake & Amir

Role: Web Designer & Marketing Specialist

Date: Spring 2015
Client: Jake & Amir
Role: Web Designer & Marketing Specialist

Challenge & Context:
On January 27, 2015, online comedians Jake and Amir announced that their webseries would air its last 8 episodes beginning on February 17, 2015. It was not long until a social media campaign entitled #GreenLightJakeandAmir was launched with the aim of convincing TBS to allow for the series pilot to be filmed.

I thought I could do my part in this campaign by making a website that would highlight some of the best tweets and explain to people what #GreenlightJakeandAmir is all about. What started out as a silly way to occupy my time, quickly grew in support from people all over the world. After 24 hours, the website had thousands of hits and hundreds of people were tweeting my precomposed tweet. While the website is no longer live, it is on WayBack Machine and I there are some screenshots of the press (below) and the website (above).

recognition for the #GreenlightJakeandAmir campaign

Greenlight highlight2